Hope everyone is healthy and surviving social distancing.
We thought it was important to share with you how we are moving forward in preparation for our summer beach season.
Well … we are still on for now. Keeping our fingers crossed. The last communication we had from Trinity was that they will be open in June.
In preparation…
1. If health officials deem our program to be unsafe then we will cancel. Team deposits will be refunded.
2. Late start – if we start in June then we will pro rate team fees. New team fee rates will be emailed to Captains.
3. Late start – if we start in July then we will pro rate team fees and extend our season into the first couple of weeks into September.
4. New protocols will be implemented for the safety of our members and staff. Again we will be waiting for recommendations from health officials.
5. Hang in there … continue to social distance, help a neighbour, donate to our local food banks. We can all help in some way.
Hope to see you soon
All the best,
Jacquie & Selina
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